Sunday, June 16, 2019

Prestley Snipes & Ebon Blak Talk About People Stealing Your Work, Music Business + More!!!

Had a chance to chat with Ebon Blak today about plagiarism and being an independent artist. We covered a lot of good topics in this consultation and I want to thank Ebon for being a loyal subscriber. We speak about Soulja Boy and his influence in my music business career and my "Crank That Spiderman" video, which went viral on this channel. We also talk about iTunes shutting down and the streaming era. Ebon also shares some of his experiences as a producer/artist and says he is having great success using some of the tips from my book "How To Make It In The Music Business". Check out this session if you're interested in getting some real life advice and insight about your career as a producer, songwriter, or artist, that's using the internet, to market your brand. If you're interested in a consultation session with me, feel free to contact me. Thanks

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